October Messy Church - “Service with a smile”

Aims: to help understand the importance of service in the Christian life.

Our activities for October was based on serving one another.  We started the session off enjoying decorating and giving a cupcake to someone else as well as receiving one and eating one ourselves.   

Jesus the 'Servant King' - what an example!    
We watched this great little video about Jesus washing His disciples feet at the Last Supper only hours before He would lay down His life. Jesus humbled Himself and chose to serve because He loved His disciples. 

Service with a smile
There must have been times when Jesus didn't feel like serving others but did it gladly and willingly.  It's easy to do things we like and for people we like but that's not what serving means though!   Jesus did not come to be served but to serve.  In showing Himself to be a servant Jesus left us a vivid portrait of the kind of heart we are to have for others.

Memory Verse  "Whoever wants to become great among you must serve   Matthew 20:26

We looked at some people in the Bible and saw how they used their talents to serve God. See photo slideshow below for some of our activities.